Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Love of a Lifetime

They've been married for 53 years.  They had 2 children together, 2 grandchildren.  They traveled the country in their early years, following dreams and vocations.  They served God together, lovingly & willingly.  I remember watching them years back, how they would hug and hang on to each other, as if they did not know where one ended and the other began. 

I am sure it wasn't always easy, after all, she never did quite understand his membership with the NRA.  They certainly had their differences.  But always, it was a dedicated, unmatched love that kept them strong and moving forward.

We celebrated the life of my father-in-law, Steve, this past weekend.  He transitioned from this world into another a few weeks ago.  I choose to use the word transition (definition: the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another) rather than “die” (definition:  a person, animal, or plant that stops living), because I in no way believe he has stopped living.  Rather, I believe he has changed form.  This is a result of my faith in an afterlife…or alternate realm or state of being.  I believe he is very much alive.

As Steve’s neurological condition worsened over the last year, I watch my mother-in-law love in such a way that overwhelms me.  I watched and studied her…how she guided him and loved ON him.  I don’t know if there were ever days when he did not know HER, but I know there days he did not know me.  I am certain if he had a moment where he was confused by WHO she was, never would he have been confused by WHAT she was…she was pure love at its finest.

Sonnie allowed Steve to keep living with dignity, when it could have been otherwise.  Rather than having him cared by others, she chose to do the caring (which is not an easy job to say the least).  Never, not once, did we ever hear her complain.  She never said she was tired.  She never even seemed frustrated

I know Sonnie has an incredible faith.  I know she is no stranger to prayer.  I am sure she prayed a lot over the last few years.  Perhaps she knows that in order to LOVE greatly you need to tap into the source of LOVE.    What I do know, is that I am grateful for the example of what it is to really love someone.  Love is not always easy.  In fact, it is those acts of love in the most difficult circumstances that are the most profound.  LOVE BOLDLY, LOVE FIERCELY, LOVE in the difficult times.  Your life, the life of others and this world will transform before you, if you dare.

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