Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Love Fiercely

Don’t waste your time or energy hating the “hater”. Use your energy to love the wounded…

There is a revolution going on…A love revolution. Can you feel it? Are you ready for it? I know I am. When I ask if you are ready for it, this is what I mean…We are so programmed to distrust each other that when someone does something kind for us, we immediately question their motivation. Are you ready and able to just accept some love? Sometimes, I wonder what people say about me after I have done something kind. (I am not so delusional & optimistic that I do not realize this happens.) Sometimes, these negative thoughts keep me from doing the very thing my heart is telling me to do. Then, I find myself making excuses and justifying why kind is not the way to go in that situation ---“It is not safe for me do to it”, or “they’ll think I want something in return”, etc.

The truth is, kind is always the way to go. Love is always the best option. I have tried other ways, but they simply do not hold the power and blessings that love holds.

Social networking has taken on this new platform for wild rants at the expense of others. I am sad when I see people posting such hurtful and critical remarks about other people. I have, at times, considered leaving the world of Facebook so I do not have to witness such bullying, (and, by the way, I am talking about ADULTS, because we all know kids are guilty of this.) People post the most horrific things on famous figures whether it is the president, or a celebrity, and worse yet, their neighbor. I’ve learned to not look at the comments others make. It makes me too sad. I have thought about leaving social media all together because of this. But, I know I should not. Because, I know it exists. But what am I going to do about it? Well, I could go off on my own rant and tell people about themselves…which, is just as bad. Or, I can tell the wounded how much I value and love them.   I have decided on the latter. I have decided to start my own “love bombing” campaign. So, when I know someone has been hurt, I will do my best to tell them all the wonderful things about them. All the things that make them so wonderfully unique and a value to this world (because everyone has something, I am SURE of it). This is my new personal crusade. Won’t you join me? Love a little more today. Love a little harder. Love fiercely and intentionally. Love like YOU ARE LOVE, because you ARE.

It is through your love, by our collective love, things will change. Love will win.

From the book “Wonder” by RJ Palacio (a wonderful book I encourage everyone to read, especially parents and kids of preteens):

“…but what I want you, my students, to take away from your middle-school experience is the sure knowledge that, in the future you make for yourselves, anything is possible. If every single person in this room made it a rule that wherever you are, whenever you can, you will try to act a little kinder than is necessary---the world really would be a better place. And if you do this, if you are just a little kinder than is necessary, someone else, somewhere, someday, may recognize in you, in every single one of you, the face of God.”

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